Products and services

Based on request we can supply custom design filter housings and systems.

As well custom made filter elements or replaceable elements for existing system on specification or by reverse engineering.
Our engineering based on many years of experience is support with the latest version of 2D and 3D CAD manufacturing design products to meet even the highest requirements and specifications of our customers.
Supported with 3D analysis, we can animate and test our products very accurately in an early stage of design.
This result in a fast and efficient design of new products, we also support customers with the R&D of OEM filter products and solutions.
Depending on the technical difficulty of the project we can also use these techniques by improvement, reverse engineering and refurbishment of filter housings, filter systems and filter elements.


Replacement filter elements or OEM filters can be delivered in many different forms and specifications.
Pleated micron filters | Metal mesh filters | Temporary strainers | Strainers | Sieve-, baskets, plates, trays |Coalescer filters | Separator filters |Absorbing filters | Oil separator kits | Depth filters | Bypass filters


Depending on the design data / process conditions the filter materials and systems are build in many different types of materials.
Cellulose | Polyester | Polypropylene | Steel (galvanised) | Stainless Steel (SS304L, SS316L) | PFTE (Teflon®)


Our designs and products are used in many different applications.

Hydraulic Oils | Quench Oils | Insulating Oils | Turbine Oils |Diesel and Biodiesel |Lube Oils | Cooling water | Industrial process and waste water